Thursday, November 29, 2012

Masterchef Malaysia 2 - FINAL

Agak-agak siapa ye yang akan jadi Juara Masterchef Malaysia musim ke 2, sabtu ni..emm kalau ikut percentage yang mengundi di FB masterchef tu ramai yg minat along tuk jadi juara dan Ah Hong paling kurang juara ditentukan oleh masakan diaorg dan diadili oleh juri2 yang hebat..tak tahu nak teka sape sbb semua terer..cuma antara berempat ni rasanya Etiqa mcm kurang menyengat ler skill dia..masakan dia ala2 play antara bertiga tu pun tk tahu sape yg patut juara..heheh..kita tunggu je sabtu 9 mlm nanti...

Antara :


siapa bakal juara..jeng jeng jeng..


Tuesday, November 27, 2012


To Live The Best Life

Let me sit down at your side,
Let me look into your eyes.
If I can see there's no pride
Let me give you this advice:

Nothing is that easy to get in life
And every bad thing happens twice.
In a world like today's you will survive
Only if you keep - on your face - a smile.

Thousands of things could make you cry
But you're strong enough to keep your head up high.

Here's a last thing no one can deny:
We are all just apprentices,
No one knows what it feels like
To Live The Best Life...
So you better give it a try
Before time catches you up and makes you die!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Hukum Pelaburan Emas

Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-100 yang bersidang pada 4-6 Julai 2012 telah membincangkan mengenai Hukum Jual Beli Dan Pelaburan Emas Yang Dijalankan Oleh Syarikat Genneva Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. Muzakarah telah membuat keputusan seperti berikut:
Setelah meneliti keterangan, hujah-hujah dan pandangan yang dikemukakan, Muzakarah menegaskan bahawa transaksi jual beli dan pelaburan emas mestilah memenuhi semua rukun jual beli yang digariskan oleh syarak. Sesuatu transaksi jualbeli adalah dikira tidak sah sekiranya tidak memenuhi salah satu rukun jual beli. Muzakarah turut menegaskan bahawa transaksi jual beli dan pelaburan emas juga hendaklah bebas daripada unsur-unsur riba, perjudian, gharar yang berlebihan dan kezaliman.
Berdasarkan laporan dan hasil siasatan Bank Negara Malaysia terhadap operasi jual beli dan pelaburan emas oleh Syarikat Genneva Malaysia Sdn. Bhd., Muzakarah bersetuju memutuskan bahawa transaksi jual beli dan pelaburan emas yang dilaksanakan oleh Syarikat Genneva Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. tidak mematuhi sepenuhnya Parameter Pelaburan Emas sepertimana yang telah diperakukan oleh Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-96 pada 13 hingga 15 Oktober 2011.
Oleh itu, umat Islam dinasihatkan supaya tidak melibatkan diri dalam aktiviti atau transaksi jual beli dan pelaburan emas yang dilaksanakan oleh mana-mana pihak sama ada syarikat atau individu di dalam atau luar negara yang bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip jual-beli emas seperti yang digariskan oleh syarak atau undang-undang negara.

Sumber: e-fatwa

Maroon 5 - One More Night

You and I go hard, at each other like we going to war
You and I go rough, we keep throwing things and slammin' the door

You and I get so, damn dysfunctional we stopped keeping score
You and I get sick, yah I know that we can't do this no more

But baby there you again, there you again making me love you
Yeah I stopped using my head, using my head let it all go
Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo
And now i'm feeling stupid, feeling stupid crawling back to you
So I cross my heart, and I hope to die, that I'll only stay with you one more night
And I know I said it a million times b
ut i'll only stay with you one more night

Trying to tell you no, but my body keeps on telling you yes
Trying to tell you stop, but your lipstick got me so out of breath
I'd be waking up, in the morning probably hating myself
And i'd be waking up, feeling satisfied but guilty as hell

But baby there you go again, there you go again making me love you
Yeah I stopped using my head, using my head let it all go
Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo
And now i'm feeling stupid, feeling stupid crawling back to you
So I cross my heart, and I hope to die, that i'll only stay with you one more night
And I know i've said it a million times b
ut i'll only stay with you one more night

Yeah baby give me one more night (3x)

But baby there you again, there you again making me love you
Yeah I stopped using my head, using my head let it all go
Got you stuck on my body, on my body like a tattoo
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

So I cross my heart, and I hope to die, that i'll only stay with you one more night
And I know i've said it a million times
But i'll only stay with you one more night

(yeah baby give me one more night)

So I cross my heart, and I hope to die, that i'll only stay with you one more night
And I know i've said it a million times
But i'll only stay with you one more night

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Pagi Yang Indah

Hari Sabtu dimulakan dengan bangun awal dan tak sambung tido lepas subuh (mcm selalu buat je) utama adalah untuk berjogging memandangkan berat badan dah naik sedikit..untuk kembali ke berat badan ideal..kena ler rajin bersenam kan..cuaca cantik pagi tadi..tempat tujuan adalah Taman Tasik Titiwangsa..kebetulan hari ni ada 2 acara, satu dari SPNB dan satu lagi dari Rakan Muda..sepatutnya ramai ler agaknya td keluar awal skit..jadi nak parking pun senang..nak jogging pun tak terganggu sgt ler..alhamdulillah sempat gak abis satu round sebelum hujan rahmat turun pagi tadi..abis satu round, berteduh dulu kt salah satu pondok di taman tasik tu..then bila hujan dah berhenti, cari port baik punya tuk breakfast..sengaja pusing kg baru cari port breakfast..tetiba rasa sihat lak arini sbb berjaya gak jogging di hujung minggu..asyik jogging di mall je kan..lepas ni nak ubah ler plak cara hidup sihat..:)

Drawing lagi :)

Setelah mencuba dan mencuba, ini ler hasil drawing kedua..heheh..kali ni belajar guna youtube lak..thanks to yaya... :)

Vtutor|by|Yaya:Cara mudah lukis Doodle

Smash Mouth - All Star

Friday, November 23, 2012

Restoran Kunang-Kunang

Rasanya dah lama benor tak jejak kaki ke restoran kunang-kunang ni..hampir terlupa dengan kewujudan restoran ni..restoran ni terletak tepi je MRR2 menghala ke UIA..hari ni tergerak plak kaki ke situ..selalunya malam ni dan malam esok ada live band kt situ..tapi sekarang semua tu dah tak ada..rasanya restoran ni kurang penjagaan pun dah nak hancur...banyak dlm menu dah tak disediakan..kiranya apa yg teringin nak order tadi takde..bayangkan dua kali pelayan restoran tu datang bgtahu makanan/minuman yang order takde dan terpaksa di tukar ke makanan/minuman baru..bukan berniat nak jatuhkan periuk nasi orang tp kalau boleh maju kan le skit, kalau takpun maintain sbb sebenarnya restoran ni best..suasana pun cozy dan open air..decor cantik..lokasi pun senang nak kalau makin tk terjaga rasa rugi plak kelebihan yang dah ada kt situ..

Emotionally Healthy

To be emotionally healthy, a person needs to:

Feel safe and secure; feel they have safe territory.
Regularly give and receive quality attention.
Feel a sense of influence and control over their life.
Feel part of a wider community.
Enjoy friendship, fun, love, and intimacy with significant people.
Feel a sense of status; basically, feel they have a recognizable role in life. This also connects to a sense of competence and achievement.
Feel stretched but not stressed to avoid stagnation, boredom, and to enhance self-esteem and a sense of status in life.


The leaders who work most effectively, it seems to me, never say “I.” And that’s not because they have trained themselves not to say “I.” They don’t think “I.” They think “we”; they think “team.” They understand their job to be to make the team function. They accept responsibility and don’t sidestep it, but “we” gets the credit….This is what creates trust, what enables you to get the task done.
Peter Drucker

Thursday, November 22, 2012


Eh Masuk FB

Cerita 22 Oct lepas tp baru hari ni ler takde yang bgtahu..rupanya entry pasal Masterchef Malaysia ada gak yang sudi baca dan letak link blog ni di FB ye...nasib baik tulis yang baik2 je..kalau ada yg tak baik mau den kena saman..hehehe..entry tu citer pasal perihal chef undangan untuk episod ke 33, chef tersebut patutnya bertanding dengan peserta masterchef tp berbeza dgn Chef Lazaro ni dia cenderung ke arah mengajar peserta tersebut tanpa ada sifat nak bertanding langsung..itu yang boleh tergerak hati nak tulis sebagai entry..

FB One World Hotel

Green Apple

Green Apple Benefits
Some of the primary health benefits of green apple are:
  • Contains a lot of fiber, which is good for digestion.
  • The chances of colon cancer are less if one eats green apple.
  • Relieves constipation.
  • Beneficial in treating gout.
  • Useful in controlling diarrhea.
  • Reduces blood pressure.
  • Blood sugar gets stabilized.
  • Helps in treating rheumatism.
  • Improves one’s appetite.
  • It contains carbohydrates and therefore provides much energy.
  • It contains protein.
  • Has plenty of vitamins, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Riboflavin, Vitamin B6 and it is one of the most prominent green apple benefits.
  • It also has plenty of minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, Manganese, Iron, Potassium, Copper, Zinc
  • It helps in preventing liver problems.
  • Lessens the chances of developing skin diseases.
  • It consists of several anti-oxidants such as polyphenol as well as flavonoid that helps in reducing the risk of cancer by not allowing DNA damage to occur.
  • It has less cholesterol and is therefore useful for those losing weight.
  • As green apple contains a lot of Vitamin A,B as well C, it is very good for the nourishment of skin and also has a whitening effect on it.
  • It purifies the blood as it contains a lot of minerals.
  • One also less chances of suffering from liver problems


Thanks to blogger 2 orang ni yang mana blog diaorg jadi bahan rujukan ramai blogger lain termasuk ler orang di sini..try nak lukis doodle tp mmg tangan keras agaknya..ataupun hati ni takde seni kot..langsung tak apa2 pun ni ler 1st try dari suki..harap2 lepas ni mampu lukis kartun2 yang comel mcm diaorg buat, sebelum tgk jangan gelak ye..ini ler hasil lukisan tadika kelas paling hujung budak paling nakal..hehehe..

Credit to:

Gambar ni dijadikan rujukan

sekali hasil gini je..hehehe..kelakau

Office Jokes

Relief at Gaza ceasefire can't mask its frailty

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Triumphal Hamas celebrated a "victory" in their Gaza stronghold on Wednesday after a truce was declared with Israel, where a sober reckoning of how the next round may go underscored the total lack of trust between the two foes.

Palestinians and Israelis alike were relieved that their eight-day conflict had come to an end without a bloody invasion of the Gaza Strip. But on both sides there was a foreboding that their ceasefire might not last very long.
"We are sceptical," said a senior Israeli government official, who declined to be named. "But the Egyptians and Americans have backed this deal, so if it falls apart they know that we would have a legitimate reason to go in hard."

On the face of it, both Israel and the Islamist group Hamas, which rules Gaza, can draw positive conclusions at the end of a brutal clash that killed 162 Palestinians, including 37 children, and five Israelis.
Although Hamas lost its top military commander and suffered serious hits to its infrastructure and weaponry, it has nonetheless emerged with its reputation in the Arab world significantly enhanced and its standing at home embellished.

Israel can take comfort from the fact it dealt painful blows to its enemy, found a way to work with the Islamist leadership of Egypt, and showed that it can defend itself from a barrage of incoming missiles with its high-tech Iron Dome interceptor.

More news: The Star Online

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Dinner Lagi

Cukup teruja kalau nak bercerita soal makan-makan ni..heheh..malam tadi pegi dinner di Sri Niara Restoran yang terletak di Klang Gate..mmg favourite ler tempat ni..sbb sepanjang pegi sana belum penah lagi makanan  dia yg tak sedap..layanan pun pantas..harga pun berpatutan..restoran ni sebenarnya restoran makanan thai.selain boleh order lauk-lauk panas..nak order ala carte pun boleh..rasanya tak ramai tahu restoran ni sbb agak tersorok..bagi penduduk2 sekitar ulu klang dan wangsa maju mmg tahu ler kedudukan restoran ni..


The term RSVP comes from the French expression "répondez s'il vous plaît", meaning "please respond". If RSVP is written on an invitation it means the invited guest must tell the host whether or not they plan to attend the party. It does not mean to respond only if you're coming, and it does not mean respond only if you're not coming (the expression "regrets only" is reserved for that instance). It means the host needs a definite head count for the planned event, and needs it by the date specified on the invitation.

RSVP = répondez s'il vous plaît

SeGmeN by Kinara tagged by Yaya

Segmen ni dari : Kinara

Saya telah di tag oleh : Cik Yaya


1. Monday
2. Tuesday

3. Wednesday

4. Thursday

5. Friday

6. Saturday & Sunday

Takde yang kena tag dari suki tapi sesape berminat boleh ler join segmen ni and jangan lupa kredit pada