Monday, December 31, 2012

Fine Dining Etiquette - Part 2

The term, dining etiquette, is essentially concerned with table mannerisms, specific food tips, and the ways using napkins, knife, fork, spoons and other silverware.

Managing silverware in a formal do is quite confusing to some. Follow this simple dining etiquette. Start with the cutlery placed outside, and every course work your way in. The dessert spoon and fork are placed above your plate. Otherwise, they are brought in with the dessert. The set of glasses placed on your right are yours. Use the glasses from the left towards the outside.

You cut with the fork in your left hand, and the knife in your right hand. In the American style of eating you cut a few bite size pieces and switch the fork over to your right hand to pick and eat. Eating continental style, you do not switched over and eat with the fork in your left hand. When picking a glass, you place the knife and the fork on the plate, crossing the fork over the knife.

Source : News Strait Times


  1. Nice blog :)
    salam kenal sobat :)
    bagi - bagi motivasi
    semoga bisa jadi semangat
    Hal mudah akan terasa sulit jika yg pertama dipikirkan adalah kata SULIT.Yakinlah bahwa kita memiliki kemampuan dan kekuatan.
    ditunggu kunjungan baliknya yaa :) terima kasih ....

  2. kalo ikut peraturan tu.. lapo terus jd kenyang kan..hehehe
