Sumber : Utusan Malaysia
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Iron Man 3
Best giler..itu yg boleh diungkapkan tuk citer di atas..Iron Man 3..itu pendapat peribadi..tak tahu lr korang kan..smlm bertmpt di Tgv KLCC, kitaorg beramai2 pegi tgk movie ni..start kul 8 part yg depan2 tu tertinggal skit..maklum ler masa agak kelam ler..hari bekerja kan..sempat blk umah, dinner, solat maghrib baru keluar rumah..nasib baik tindakan cerdik dibuat iaitu menaiki lrt ke klcc sbb jem lain mcm mlm td..ada member dari setiawangsa drive setakat jelatek je pastu amik tren..hehehe..kesian kan..lmbt diaorg masuk panggung..walaupun masuk2 tu movie dah start tp still enjoy..ikut hati nak tgk lagi ni..sbb element action dan komedi dicampur sekali..takde ler ganas je manjang..diselang seli dengan gelak ketawa ler..mmg penuh panggung smlm..5 bintang utk Iron Man 3
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{Pelik tul tiket tu print Sunway sedangkan di KLCC} |
Carrot Cake
Last day of April, kita bercerita pasal subjek di atas..heheh..carrot cake yg juga merangkap my fav cake sekarang..kenapa sekarang sbb dulu kecik2..carrot cake, fruit cake dan kek2 yg ada bendasing di dalamnya mmg kurang digemari...sbb tak suka bila makan je ada benda keras..pastu mula ler asingkan badam, raisin dan sebagainya baru boleh makan kek..teruk tul peliknya sekarang suka plak..bukan sekadar suka tp dah jd fav cake plak...menjadikan chocolate cake jatuh ke carta kedua..kalau ler semua kek2 ni tak menggemukkan, tak memudaratkan kesihatan..kan best..boleh makan hari2..
Monday, April 29, 2013
Malaysia's First Motion Sensor Grand Musical Stairs
Constructed in a little more than 13 weeks at a cost of RM 1.5 million, the Grand Musical Staircase was conceptualized with an architecture marvel in mind and was endorsed and certified by the Malaysia Book of Records as a first of its kind in the country.
In the past years, Berjaya Times Square had been researching for ways to accommodate the growing traffic between Ground Floor and Lower Ground Floor in a musically fun way. And after weeks of working on the concept, the Management was leaning towards a grand structure based on 3 keywords which are synonymous with the Berjaya Times Square brand: ‘Creative, Energetic and Comprehensive’.
Recently certified by the Malaysian Book of Records as a first in Malaysia, the Grand Musical Staircase is vibrantly lit in dancing LED sound graphs and is designed to resemble a classical piano keyboard right down to its actual chords. Though, do not be fooled by its presentation as apart from the piano, there are percussion, kalimba and piccolo notes embedded to give the Grand Musical Staircase 4 different sounds.
Read more :
nota kaki :- Suki sempat ler bermain2 dengan musical stairs dan motion sensor di situ..terlupa yg diri sudah dewasa..mmg sape2 pun yg ke situ kembali ke zaman kanak2..hehehe..yg lagi best bila tgk gelagat yg org tak sengaja terpijak situ..diaorg kebanyakannya terkejut..:)
Chargeable SMS Spam by Unscrupulous Content Providers
Psst: Td terbaca dalam paper then suki masuk website SKMM..harap info ni berguna untuk kita semua..renung-renungkan..

STOP<service keyword>
BATAL<service keyword>
For more information, please contact:
HOTLINE : 18 00 88 83 33

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is collaborating with industry players to stop the transmission of unsolicited but chargeable SMS or content by unscrupulous content providers.
Members of the public are reminded to stay alert at possible attempts by a few content providers to deceive users into subscribing to the said content. Their various modus operandi are:
1. Using malware or virus to send automatic content subscription to the phone, for example: Samsung Content Update. Please update V1234567
2. Pushing links such as phone updates, free adult video and free phone antivirus, for example:
[Free] Antivirus!
[Free] Rahsia +18
3. Conduct marketing activities through SMS with misleading content, for example:
(a) RM0.00 kepada nombor 0193004788: diminta terima servis SMS mobile content baru segera. Taip ON KV ke 32626 untuk daftar service terbaru tanpa caj. Output
(b) RM0.00 Servis SMS Content update kepada 0168152909. Sila SMS ON N2 ke 37744 untuk mulakan SMS ini segera! Pendaftaran wajib.
(c) RM0.00 Tetapan mobile servis 3GP anda telah tamat. Taip ON DK hantar ke 39918 untuk aktifkan semula. Tiada caj pendaftaran. Output 0379666519
4. Conduct marketing through the Internet, for example through pop-up screens with misleading service mechanics.
Members of the public are urged take extra precaution as listed below:
1. Treat mobile phones, especially smartphones in the same manner as desktop/personal computers, in terms of security.
2. Stick to reputable application stores for downloads.
3. Think before clicking on in-application advertisements or notification messages.
4. Read the fine print regarding subscription and charges.
5. Do not send or click on the Registration Keywords, for example, REG, REGISTER, ON and DAFTAR if you do not want to subscribe to the content.
6. Always beware of offers or promotions which are too good to be true.
7. Regularly check phone bills or credit balance.
8. Immediately lodge a complaint if you find that you were charged for unsolicited messages
or SMS in your phone bill.
9. If you receive any unsolicited SMS messages, terminate the service by sending the following keywords to the short code:
BATAL<service keyword>
For more information, please contact:
HOTLINE : 18 00 88 83 33
Source :
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Tips on Choosing Mirrors
A long horizontal shape would accentuate width, while a tall vertical shape would call attention to height.
An angular shape such as a square or rectangle, gives an orderly, restrained look, while a rounded or curved frame could be softer or even whimsical.
Size can influence the impact you want to create. The selection of size should also be based on whether you want the mirror to be a focal point, an accent, or merely act as the background.
If you want your mirror to be focal point in your room, make sure it is large enough to stand out, but also choose a frame that makes it even more noticeable.
If you want your mirror to become part of the background, you should choose one that is extra large so that its function then becomes to make your space appear larger.
Smaller mirrors can act as accents, catching light here, reflecting an interesting object there. They can also be used in groups. If you do plan to use smaller mirrors in groups, remember that together are acting to form a much larger shape and could act as a focal point in the room.
Your mirrors should reflect the style, you already have in your room. While the shape and size of a mirror matter, the frame plays an even greater role in determining style.
An ornate, carved or gilt frame can be used in a more traditional setting.
A more simple frame treatment would be suitable for a casual or modern interior.
Whimsical frame treatments and distressed looks work well for a country look.
Source :
Friday, April 26, 2013
Pendapatan Haram
Rasulullah s.a.w. bersabda yang bermaksud:Tidak seorangpun yang bekerja untuk mendapatkan kekayaan dengan jalan haram kemudian ia membelanjakan padanya dengan harapan mendapat berkat daripadanya dan ia bersedekah dengannya dengan harapan sedekah itu akan diterima dan meninggalkan harta pusaka (sesudah meninggal) melainkan semua itu sebagai bekalannya ke neraka...
Sumber : e-hadith
Kurang Agama Dan Kurang Akal
Dari Abdullah bin Umar r.a katanya: Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda: Wahai kaum wanita! Bersedekahlah kamu dan perbanyakkanlah istighfar iaitu memohon ampun. Kerana aku melihat kaum wanitalah yang lebih ramai menjadi penghuni Neraka. Seorang wanita yang cukup pintar di antara mereka bertanya: Wahai Rasulullah, kenapa kami kaum wanita yang lebih ramai menjadi penghuni Neraka? Rasulullah S.A.W bersabda: Kamu banyak mengutuk dan mengingkari suami. Aku tidak melihat mereka yang kekurangan akal dan agama yang lebih menguasai pemilik akal, daripada golongan kamu. Wanita itu bertanya lagi: Wahai Rasulullah! Apakah maksud kekurangan akal dan agama itu? Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Maksud kekurangan akal ialah penyaksian dua orang wanita sama dengan penyaksian seorang lelaki. Inilah yang dikatakan kekurangan akal. Begitu juga wanita tidak mendirikan sembahyang pada malam-malam yang dilaluinya kemudian berbuka pada bulan Ramadhan kerana haid. Maka inilah yang dikatakan kekurangan agama
Sumber : e-hadith
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Kitchen Organizers
Kitchen Organizers by Martha Steward
Kitchen Helper
Kitchen Helper
Clear up the clutter and make the most of your countertops by using a cake stand to hold olive oil, salt, pepper, and other frequently used seasonings. The stand makes it easy to find and use these ingredients while you cook, and gives you space to arrange other herbs and spices around the base of the pedestal.
Stoveside Organizer
Whether you use one crock or several, it's wise to have essential tools in arm's reach when you're at the stove. A cart provides storage where you need it
Kitchen Baskets and Bins
Corral items on open shelves using nice-looking containers. These baskets add warmth and texture to the room; the gray trays are simple and stylish. Add adhesive pads on the bottom so they slide smoothly.
Sink Basin
When washing dishes, use a plastic bin for soaking or soaping to save water. The plastic is also more forgiving than a hard sink should you drop a dish. When you're washing a lot of very fragile items by hand, such as crystal stemware, lining the sink with a terry towel also does the trick. Keep dish soap in a clear plastic pump bottle by the sink.
Hanging Rack
Using a rack will save so much space in your cabinets -- and make your pots and pans easier to find
Masterchef Selebriti Musim Ke 2
Korang dah tgk ke masterchef selebriti Malaysia yang ke 2...disebabkan peminat siri masterchef kan..tgk ler juga tp alahai..kenapa ler pemilihan mereka2 itu..mmg boleh puji ler yang pertama aritu..jangan ler dipilih peserta sekadar pada pilih ler yang suka memasak sbb penonton nak tgk apa yg dimasak..teknik memasak dan resepi2 baru..bukan nak tgk org ni bersayang2 dgn org ni nak menyanyi sambil ni nak bergaya sambil masak..soooooo boring..patut ler suki tgk rancangan luar je..tak tgk rancangan tempatan sbb ini ler masalahnya..sorry ter emosi di hari khamis..masa final masterchef musim kedua pun dah kena kutuk kaw2 dgn penonton..itu bkn kutukan pd peserta tp pd penerbit yg buatkan final tu mcm Muzik2..panggil penyanyi menyanyi tp apa yg dimasak di dapur tak ditunjuk betul2..tolong ler astro..tiru ler rancangan luar yg lg best tu..camner kitaorg nak support..
Hukum Penggunaan Peralatan Dan Perhiasan Berasaskan Abu Tulang Haiwan (Bone China)
Muzakarah Jawatankuasa Fatwa Majlis Kebangsaan Bagi Hal Ehwal Ugama Islam Malaysia Kali Ke-99 yang bersidang pada 4-6 Mei 2012 telah membincangkan mengenai Hukum Penggunaan Peralatan Dan Perhiasan Berasaskan Abu Tulang Haiwan (Bone China). Muzakarah telah membuat keputusan seperti berikut:
Setelah meneliti keterangan, hujah-hujah dan pandangan yang dikemukakan, Muzakarah menegaskan bahawa berdasarkan mazhab Shafie, sifat kenajisan babi masih kekal dalam produk bone china dan sifat najis tersebut tidak akan hilang kerana proses istihalah dianggap tidak berlaku.
Muzakarah juga berpandangan bahawa sekiranya penggunaan produk bone china yang berasaskan abu tulang haiwan yang tidak halal mengikut Syarak ini diharuskan, maka ia akan membuka ruang kepada penggunaan produk-produk bersumberkan haiwan yang tidak halal mengikut syarak berleluasa.
Muzakarah juga berpandangan bahawa peralatan atau perhiasan bone china tidak mencapai tahap keperluan (darurah) kepada masyarakat untuk memiliki dan menggunakannya.
Sehubungan itu, Muzakarah bersetuju memutuskan bahawa penggunaan bahan peralatan atau perhiasan yang dihasilkan daripada abu tulang haiwan (bone china) yang tidak halal mengikut syarak, termasuk haiwan yang halal dimakan tetapi tidak disembelih mengikut hukum syarak adalah tidak diharuskan.
Walaubagaimanapun, penggunaan peralatan dan perhiasan berasaskan abu tulang haiwan (bone china) yang halal dimakan dan disembelih mengikut hukum syarak adalah diharuskan
Disaat blogger2 lain meraikan pageview yg ke blog ni baru nak masuk 5 si pemiliknya tetap gembira..bukan senang nak dpt perhatian dari org luar utk blog yg baru berusia 7 bulan dengan peningkatan angka ni yg membuatkan si empunya blog ini utk terus meng'update' blog..thanks guy
note: sebenarnya nak tunggu betul2 10,000 tp tak sempat terlebih 9 baru perasan..hehehe
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Aluminum Foil Naturally Cleans Silver
Tarnished silver is no match for this aluminum foil "recipe." Bring 1 liter of water, 1 tbsp of baking soda and one piece of aluminum foil to a boil. Drop your silverware in the pot for 10 seconds (longer if it's extra tarnished), then fish it out with tongs. Magic! You can also ball up foil and use it to scrub off caked-on food from pans (not non-stick ones).
Source : Reader's Digest
The Most Expensive Handbag in the World
1. The Mouawad's 1001 Nights Diamond Purse - $3.8 million
Officially certified by Guinness World Records the Mouawad 1001 Nights Diamond Purse is now the most expensive designer handbag in the world at $3.8 million. The heart-shaped purse is handcrafted from 18kt gold and has 4,517 diamonds (4,356 colorless, 105 yellow, 56 pink) with a total weight of 381.92 carats. It was made by ten artisans who worked on it for a total of 8,800 hours.
2. The Hermes Birkin bag created by Japanese designer Ginza Tanaka - $1.9 million
This Hermes bags was apparently sold in 2008 for around $1.9 million. It is made of platinum and has over 2,000 diamonds. It is also versatile, so that in addition to being a handbag you can also use the diamond strap as a necklace or bracelet by removing it from the bag. The bag itself has an 8-carat pear shaped shimmering diamond that can also be used separately
3. The Chanel "Diamond Forever" Classic Handbag - $261,000
The "Diamond Forever" classic handbag boasts 334 diamonds for a total of 3.56 carats, in 18-carat white gold. The shoulder straps are also made from white gold. There are only 13 available worldwide, with five of them being in the USA.
Credit to : &
Monday, April 22, 2013
Tips on Choosing a Good Wallpaper
If you are new to paperhanging, here are some
characteristics to look for:
machine-printed,pretrimmed papers tend
to be the most problem-free. Flocked and foil papers or wallpapers with selvage
edges that must be trimmed on the job are challenges better left to
professionals your first time around.
that are “straight” are easier to hang
than “dropped” patterns. Straight patterns are so called because neighboring
panels meet in a straight line, so they require little extra figuring when you
cut and hang them. Dropped patterns have design repeats that are meant to be
matched panel to panel, a somewhat more difficult calculation to measure.
Dropped patterns also require more paper to compensate for the matching.
overall patterns tend to camouflage
uneven surfaces. But striped, shiny, and solid wallcoverings are best reserved
for very smooth, perfectly plumb walls.
pattern scale to room size is
also critical. Too large a pattern in a small room can be oppressive; too small
a pattern will be lost in a large room. Bring home samples of wallpaper or
wallpaper books to see what patterns work best for your purposes. View them in
both natural and artificial light.
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